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Essen & Getränke

Coffee Cerimony : "Around the world "

120 Minuten
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Coffee Cerimony : "Around the world "

Embark on a global coffee odyssey with our "Coffee Ceremony: Around the World."

This 1.5-hour session is an invitation to traverse the diverse terrains of coffee, exploring unique varieties from nine distinct regions worldwide.

Ceremony Summary:

- Global Coffee Exploration: Immerse in a journey through nine different coffee regions, each offering a unique perspective.

- Sensory Discovery: Experience a sensory exploration of nine distinct coffee varieties, each chosen for its unique flavor, aroma, and body.

- Guided Tasting: Learn to identify subtle notes and textures under expert guidance, enhancing your tasting skills.

- Cultural Immersion: For each coffee, discover the story of its origin – the farm, the growers, and the crafting process.

- Understanding Coffee Diversity: Delve into how climate, altitude, and processing methods shape each coffee's character.

- Educational Experience: Ideal for both coffee connoisseurs and novices, offering insights into global coffee diversity and culture.

- Enrich Your Coffee Knowledge: Gain a deeper appreciation for coffee's complexity and the narratives behind each cup.

Join the "Coffee Ceremony: Around the World" for an enriching and enlightening experience, and leave with a broader understanding and deeper connection to the world of coffee.

Embark on a global coffee odyssey with our "Coffee Ceremony: Around the World." This 1.5-hour session is an invitation to traverse the diverse terrains of coffee, exploring uni...

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Was du bekommst
  • Interactive Engagement: Opportunities to ask questions, share impressions, and engage in discussions about coffee.

  • Sensory Education: Skills in coffee tasting, including how to discern different flavors, aromas, and textures.

  • A Global Coffee Adventure: An immersive experience tasting nine distinct coffees from around the world.

  • Cultural Insights: Fascinating stories about the regions where each coffee is sourced, the farmers, and their cultivation methods.

  • Expert Guidance: Insightful commentary and guidance from an experienced host with deep knowledge of coffee.

Was du mit nach Hause nimmst
  • Tasting Notes: A booklet or a digital document of tasting notes for each coffee, including its origin, flavor profile, and unique characteristics.

  • Coffee Samples: Small take-home samples of the coffees tasted (if feasible), allowing customers to relive the experience at home.

  • Educational Materials: Handouts or digital resources that provide further information on coffee appreciation and brewing tips.

  • Memories and Knowledge: A heightened understanding and appreciation for global coffee varieties that will enrich their future coffee experiences.

Was du sonst noch wissen solltest
  • Health Considerations: If there are any dietary restrictions or caffeine sensitivities, please inform the host in advance.

  • Follow-Up Support: Customers can reach out after the event for further questions or advice on coffee-related topics.

  • Preparation: No prior coffee knowledge is required; the ceremony is designed for both beginners and connoisseurs

Dein/e Gastgeber/in

Meet Kyo Silva, a dedicated artisan of the coffee world with over a decade of experience in the specialty coffee industry. Kyo's adventure in coffee began in the vibrant cafes of Australia, where he first discovered his passion for crafting the perfect cup. His journey is marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence, from mastering the art of espresso in bustling city coffee shops to diving deep into the science of coffee roasting.

In São Paulo, Kyo embraced the role of a mentor and consultant, sharing his wealth of knowledge with aspiring baristas and roasters, helping to shape the future of coffee culture. His expertise in sensory evaluation and quality control brought him to the verdant coffee farms of Brazil, where he gained firsthand insight into the intricacies of green coffee selection and sustainable practices.

Kyo's quest for coffee perfection continued in the European coffee scene. In London, he not only fine-tuned his skills in coffee preparation but also stayed abreast of the latest trends and innovations in the industry.

As your host, Kyo Silva combines his extensive global experience with a deep passion for coffee's rich heritage and its sustainable future. Join him for an extraordinary exploration into the world of coffee, where each session is a journey through the aromas, flavors, and stories that make this beverage a global fascination.

Meet Kyo Silva, a dedicated artisan of the coffee world with over a decade of experience in the specialty coffee industry. Kyo's adventure in coffee began in the vibrant cafes of A...

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