Learn how to work with a sourdough culture to make beautiful loaves of bread, yes bread - with different kinds of flours and with various techniques, but also pitas, pizza dough and pancakes! Always using a natural fermentation process.
Don't worry about being an expert. Bread baking is one of the most wonderful skills to learn!
The sourdough starter that comes in the kit is our infamous 155 year old sourdough starter (we call him Cornelius but you can of course change the name). Using this heritage culture you can simply turn any recipe that uses flour into a sourdough recipe using some easy conversions that we share in our online course; crepe, croissant, you name it!
Learn how to work with a sourdough culture to make beautiful loaves of bread, yes bread - with different kinds of flours and with various techniques, but also pitas, pizza dough an...