Berlin is full of creative people who share their joy and spray inspiration. Meet Monique, who turned some years ago her passion into her profession and let her tell you how she came to share her love for vegan make-up at the Makery...
What I do in Berlin? I enjoy my life here very much. I feel free and do what I do whenever I want to do it. And at the moment that is working out in the gym 5 to 6 times a week. I have spent a lot of time on mental personal development when I decided to move to Berlin and grow my brand fra lippo lippie.
My dream job as a child... I never had a vocation in mind, only when I was supposed to think about it I would give a word back that denotes a profession. But now I understand I always wanted to be free, have enough means to do what I love, help animals and people and have fun while doing it.
The old way of living didn't work for me anymore (working 9-5 in an office doing something I didn't see the use of). So I took the leap and learned that the number on my bank statement and general success in life with regards to love and friendship and health is in direct correlation with my feelings of self worth and my beliefs about these things so I have been working very hard on changing that.
I have several heart projects. You could say that living a joyful life is my hearts project. Because what I love to do changes from moment to moment. I do have a vision though; Combining everything I love to do into a program that I can share with others so that they too can find the joy of and in life. Everything that makes my heart sing is my heart project.
What I like about giving and attending workshops is the connection with other people, the mix of different persons and perspectives and the creations that come from that. I love to share and learn, in a nutshell. And I really enjoy someone being extremely happy with their own invented color wrapped in my packaging. I am still so happy with and proud of my packaging.
My remedy is saying, literally, f*** it. I accept that I don't feel creative at the moment and I go do something that makes me feel light and fun. What that something is, is different from moment to moment. It can be dancing an overdose of chocolate, having coffee with a friend, feeling sorry for myself and going back to bed, whatever I feel like...
Accept responsibility over your life and everything in it. You are the only person that can make You happy. Everything is inside of you and everything and everyone around you is a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Accept that responsibility and you will be freer, healthier and happier than you ever thought possible.
I would love to learn about spices and will def book that workshop and I'm curious how Maya makes her amazing candles.
Are you ready to show your brilliant, gorgeous and talented side? Then come and
join Monique in her workshop! Your lips will love it...
Find more inspiring insights with Monique on our social media channels. You can find the link here!
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