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Become a DJ in Berlin

Berlin, Marzahn
120 Minuten
5.0 (17)
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Become a DJ in Berlin

Become a real DJ and discover the best secrets of the Berlin electronic music scene at the hands of one of its experts.

You will meet Bruno at his professional music studio, located in the legendary "Arttraktiv Music House". There, you will be greeted with a coffee and your host will introduce you to the technical equipment with which he develops his professional work as a DJ and producer.

First, you will be told about the history of Berlin club culture from its origins (the fall of the wall) to today. All of this, supported with unique information and videos where the artists who promoted the movement give their testimony.

You will learn the basic concepts of the art of "DJing". Additionally, with knowledge of the techniques to mix with vinyl and CDJ, you will synchronize beats and discover how to plan your own personal DJ session, while you play with your classmates using the "back-to-back" method (b2b). Of course, we will record your set and send it to you so you can remember it and continue practicing at home.

Become a real DJ and discover the best secrets of the Berlin electronic music scene at the hands of one of its experts. You will meet Bruno at his professional music studio, locat...

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Was du bekommst
  • You will learn about the history of Berlin club culture

  • Get Insight about the best clubs and parties in Berlin

  • Gain knowledge of the techniques to mix with vinyl and CDJ

  • Tips about how to plan your own personal DJ-set

Was du mit nach Hause nimmst
  • Audio Recording of your DJ set

  • Analog photo of you mixing music as a souvenir

Was du sonst noch wissen solltest
  • It is not necessary prior knowledge of DJ to perform this activity

  • The schedule of the experience can be modified taking in consideration your needs

  • Your host speaks English, German & Spanish

  • This workshop will take place in a professional music studio

  • The morning session does not include a visit to the Bar

Dein/e Gastgeber/in

Bruno is a professional DJ with more than 20 years of career on the international scene. He was born in Spain and lived for 3 years in the UK. There he graduated in Music Business & Management (University of Brighton), and turned his passion for music into his profession. He has been living in Berlin for 10 years and regularly plays at well-known clubs such as Sisyphos, Golden Gate, Kit Kat and Music festivals such as Plötzlich am Meer or Feel Festival.
In addition, he is a promoter and organizer of electronic music events. He also contracts artists and manages his own record label.

Bruno is a professional DJ with more than 20 years of career on the international scene. He was born in Spain and lived for 3 years in the UK. There he graduated in Music Business ...

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5.0 (17)

Great conversation and amazing to get to know Bruno, who's really passionate and knowledgable. To be honest this felt more like talking to a friend trying to pass on his passion than a proper class! Bruno is patient and makes you feel comfortable which is the perfect environment to learn. The time went by really quick and can't wait to spend more time with Bruno to learn more about DJing.


Thank you Bruno for this workshop! Bruno has made this experience a very unique one, he is really knowledgeable about Berlin's club scene as well as the history of electronic music in general. The DJ set we created afterwards has been recorded and was really awesome, I had a lot of fun trying out and playing around. Bruno has patiently explained all tricks on the mixing desk and the decks. I hope to catch up and also see Bruno "in action", maybe in Minimal Bar! :)

A wonderful workshop for all those who want to get to know the best tips of the Berlin music scene! After only a few hours you will know the most important steps to become a DJ and the learning curve is really amazing!

Bruno ist ein leidenschaftlicher DJ und kennt die Szene in Berlin sehr gut. Er teilt sein Wissen, seine Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse gerne und bezieht die Teilnehmer direkt in einem aktiven Austasuch mit ein. Der Fokus liegt natürlich auf der Praxis. Er erklärt alle Details sehr ausführlich, teilt die Techniken und dann kann direkt gestartet werden. Learning by doing ist hier das Motto. Dabei ist Bruno stets mit voller Leidenschaft dabei, unterstützt und ermutigt. Er freut sich ehrlich und aufrichtig, wenn es dann nach den ersten Versuchen schon etwas klappt. Seine Freude und die positive Energie ziehen sich während des gesamten Workshop durch und machen diese Erfahrung zu einem richtigen Erlebnis. Vielen Dank, Bruno.


Rundum hatten wir eine tolle Zeit und haben sehr viel gelernt! Bruno war sehr offen und herzlich – wir haben uns super ausgetauscht und er hat uns sehr viel Neues zum Thema DJ's, Clubs und Berlin erzählen können, obwohl wir schon länger in Berlin leben. Der "Theorieteil" war sehr hilfreich und hat dabei geholfen, uns auf die Praxis vorzubereiten. Gerade als wir uns dann selbst als DJ's versuchen durften, konnte uns Bruno richtig gut unterstützen. Er hat uns gezeigt, woran es liegt, wenn was nicht sofort funktioniert hat und hat sich mit uns gefreut, wenn es dann doch geklappt hat. Der Workshop legt wirklich den Grundstein für alle anstrebenden DJ's und macht total Lust auf mehr! Ich würde den Workshop jederzeit wieder buchen – auch eine schöne Idee für besondere Erlebnisse als Paar. Ein großes Dankeschön an dich, Bruno! :) ______________________ We had a great time and learnt a lot! Bruno was very approachable and kind –we had a lot of inspiring conversations and he had a lot of new stories for us related to DJing, Clubs and Berlin – even for us "locals". The "theory" was super helpful and prepared us well for the actual experience. Especially during our own DJ session, Bruno could support us very well. He showed us what we did wrong with a lot of patience and got as excited as we did when something actually worked out well. This workshop really is the fundament for any aspiring DJ and makes you want to learn more and dive in deeper. I would always book this experience again & of course recommend it to anyone interested! Very great experience – also great date idea for couples. Big thank you to you, Bruno! :)


The Become a DJ Workshop from Bruno was so much fun! We didn't only get to learn very interesting insights with respect to techno music and the Berlin club scene but also got to practice a lot and create our own recording. Bruno was a very good teacher and created such a welcoming and fun atmosphere! I can definitely recommend this workshop :)


This was my third attempt to learn DJing and it is the only one I would continue with. Bruno is a hearty host and I felt very much at ease at his cozy studio! I got an insight of the evolvement of the Berlin techno scene and learned about the most outstanding clubs here which is completely new to me so I find it very useful. I also think it is important to get told the backgrounds first before putting your hands on the equipment in order to understand what you are doing, in fact. The practical part was so much fun. Through slow explanations and repetitions of the learned I was able to make my own recording in the end and was even sent it via e-mail so I could listen to it whenever I'd like. Thank you, Bruno, for this very enjoyable experience! And for sharing your knowledge so patiently and passionately. You got me all enthusiastic about DJing again!

Julia Hoang-Thi

Definitely a to do if you are looking for a session combining theoretical and practical knowledge when it comes to the music culture in Berlin! I really had a great time, and Bruno is a lovely teacher who really knows how to combine those 2 aspects of music, also with a lot of experience behind! Didn’t even notice when the hours passed , would definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in the music scene and wants to try out DJing for a bit , all in a super relaxed and fun atmosphere!


This session was even better than expected. And my expectations were high to start off with. I left feeling the workshop with a passion to pursue this further and want to actually explore this even more. Why? Bruno was able to explain everything so well that within minutes I was able to already confidently do my thing. And this wasn't just the case for me, we had people in the group who already had past experience and they too learnt and got to experience something new. Besides the practical element, Bruno was also super informed and knowledgable and was able to answer all our questions. And we threw a lot at him. This was a really fun workshop to do, something new. I really had a blast and would totally do it again.

From the second you walk into Bruno's super decked-out, yet comfy studio you know it is going to be a good time! The first part of the workshop is a crash-course of the fascinating history of Berlin and its techno/house scene. Even though I have lived and partied in Berlin for almost 3 years, Bruno provided a perspective and knowledge of a whole world I had no idea about. During the next part of the workshop, you take over the decks and dive head-first into topics like how to mix songs, match beats, apply effects. It seems like a lot of info to take in at first, but before you know it you are applying everything you learn and mixing music :). It was a thrill all the way through and the real stars go to the instructor himself who was quite literally radiating passion for the combined arts of DJing, production, and teaching. If you are dropping by Berlin or live here, you cannot miss this workshop!

Es ware einfach top! Bruno hat viel Zeit für uns genommen. Der Studio war sehr gemütlich und die Stimmung sehr angenehm. Alles war super interessant, und meine Kolleginen waren total begeistert! Vielen herzlichen Dank dafür! Gerne wieder


Thank you Bruno! This is such a cool and unique workshop. Bruno is super friendly and knowledgable. The workshop started with the context of the clubbing scene and culture in Berlin & an overview of it. I have been a long time resident of Berlin and learned things I did not know before :) and being able to use the equipment and understand how it works and how all pieces work together to create music is simply amazing!!! Bruno is really good at explaining and teaching. Definitely recommending it! (by the way, the doorbell downstairs at the entrance does not work, so just let him know once you arrive, I spent a few mins pressing different buttons). -Pema


Es war ein toller Workshop. Bruno geht genau auf den individuellen Wissensstand ein, holt dich da ab wo du stehst. Er weiß sehr viel über Musik und Auflegen, ist dazu ein geduldiger und sympathischer Lehrer. Würde es jederzeit wieder machen. Danke, Bruno :)


Thank you Bruno! What an amazing workshop - great conversations, cozy atmosphere and of course, great input. I definitely recommend it! Bruno is a fantastic teacher, very knowledgeable and patient. I was able to learn about the arts of DJing beyond my expectations and I‘m really looking forward on expanding that :)

Bruno is very nice and profesional. He takes the time to explain and answer all your questions and he makes sure you understood. I would recommend this experience 100% to anyone that is curious about the Dj world or just anyone that want to discover more about Berlin and its techno culture. You will have fun!!


Bruno is very lovely and above all very professional, with a lot of experience and talent. Despite I had a bit of knowledge about DJing before, he taught me some really important things I did not think about before. Thank you for the great time, Bruno!


Es war eine super Erfahrung. Auch wenn man Techno und House Musik nicht kennt, wird man in die Kultur verliebt


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