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Kosmetik & Pflege

Blend your own Perfume

ab 33€
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Blend your own Perfume

Have a blast creating your own perfume!
We have three different types of kits, choose the family of fragrances you like the most:

1) Leather, when used as a term in the perfume industry, is an aromatic note commonly used to evoke the distinct aroma of the leather fabric material. The scent, reminiscent of newly tanned leather, is characterized by warm, spicy, and slightly sweet notes. Perfume such as Tuscan Leather and Fareheit are within this olfactory family.
This box includes 10 different raw materials (3mL/material).

2) Woody: As the name suggests woody fragrances are distinctive by their opulent woody character with notes coming from woods materials like trees, resin, moss, bark, pine cones and bushes but also roots. Grasses and leaves can have an intensely earthy, woody character (like Patchouli and Vetiver). Perfumes such as Wonderwood and Tobacco Oud are within this olfactory family.
This box includes 9 different raw materials. (3mL/material).

3) Floral: The floral fragrance profile consists of all levels of flower, powder and sweet spice notes. A fragrance in the floral family can be based olfactory on one bloom in particular or a combination of floral “bouquet” elements. Perfumes such as Floralhead and Springtime in a Park belong to the floral olfactory family.
This box includes 9 different raw materials. (3mL/material).

Have a blast creating your own perfume! We have three different types of kits, choose the family of fragrances you like the most: 1) Leather, when used as a term in the perfume...

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Was ist in der Box
  • 10ml Glass bottle with atomizer

  • Instructions

  • Triptic with scent descriptions of each material

  • 10 paper strips

  • Example of perfume formulation

Dein/e Gastgeber/in

Klara is an olfactory artist and experimental filmmmaker. With a passion for olfaction, she develops and creates installations, performances and works that communicate themes related to this powerful human sense.

Klara’s daily tasks include art production, design for creative clients and teaching. SMELL LAB functions as Ravat’s personal scent production studio.

Klara is an olfactory artist and experimental filmmmaker. With a passion for olfaction, she develops and creates installations, performances and works that communicate themes rela...

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33€ • Jetzt kaufen
(inkl. USt)
Lieferung erfolgt in ca. 4-5 Werktagen. Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschlands.

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