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Plant Dyeing

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Plant Dyeing

This Plant Dyeing DIY-Box is a curated set of 3 different dye plants to showcase the main properties of botanical colours. You will learn about extracting plant dyes, modifying them, and dyeing fabric.

Every DIY-Box contains a piece of pre-mordanted organic cotton for you to run tests on and a pre-mordanted bandana for the main project - choose between organic cotton voile and hemmed silk.

Cut small pieces of the test fabric and experiment with three different dyes: madder, chamomile, and hollyhock. Once you get familiar with the techniques, dye a full piece with plants of your choice. You can use the dyed samples for small sewing projects or patch them together for a bigger piece.

The DIY-Box includes printed instructions with photos. I will help you make 9 unique colours out of just 3 dye plants, as well as give ideas for expanding the range of colours even further.

This Plant Dyeing DIY-Box is a curated set of 3 different dye plants to showcase the main properties of botanical colours. You will learn about extracting plant dyes, modifying the...

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Was ist in der Box
  • Organic cotton bandana OR hemmed silk bandana 50 x 50 cm (20 x 20inch), pre-treated with aluminium mordant

  • 3 dyestuffs: madder root, chamomile, black hollyhock

  • Low pH modifier: citric acid

  • High pH modifier: baking soda

  • Iron sulfate modifier

  • Gloves

  • Printed instructions

Was du sonst noch über die Box wissen solltest
  • You will need: a pot and a hob, a spoon, a cheesecloth, a bowl, and a glass jar

Dein/e Gastgeber/in

While working as an architect, Ania had been weaving and working with sustainable textiles for years in her spare time. After 5 years in an architectural office in Berlin, she decided to pursue her dreams: she jumped in at the deep end and turned her hobby into a business – Kaliko, a line of textiles for the body and home, was born.

In her beautiful studio in Berlin she makes products for people who care about the environment, social equality, nature lovers and fellow makers. Besides using, working and experimenting with local plant pigments and certified organic fabrics, Ania teaches her knowledge and dyeing techniques in her workshops.

While working as an architect, Ania had been weaving and working with sustainable textiles for years in her spare time. After 5 years in an architectural office in Berlin, she deci...

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