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Korea Game

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Korea Game

Korea Game Box contains materials for 3 nostalgic Korean games which featured in "Squid Game", the Netflix series. There is an instruction included that will guide you step by step. From Dalgona to throwing marbles on the ground, you will have a fun time with a thrill. Are you ready to join the game?

Korea Game Box contains materials for 3 nostalgic Korean games which featured in "Squid Game", the Netflix series. There is an instruction included that will guide you step by step...

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Was ist in der Box
  • Instructions for 3 games 

  • Dagona Kit (a Press, 4 different shape of cutter, Sugar, Baking soda, Needles)

  • Marble game (2 pouches, 20 glass marbles)

  • Ddakji game (4 printed paper for making Ddakjis, the paper tiles)

Was du sonst noch über die Box wissen solltest
  • The instruction is in English

Dein/e Gastgeber/in

Yuri, Dukhyun and Minchul from EasyCookAsia are from South Korea and used to play those games when they were young. They really enjoyed watching the Squid Game on Netflix, probably just like you.
To make you enjoy those games as well they put together tools and instructions on how to play each game in this DIY-Box.

Yuri will guide you on how to make Dalgona candy with special tips not to break it (save your life), Dukyun was a national Ddakji player in his town (according to him) and Minchul will take you to the wonderful marble games. would you like to join?

We believe food is not just something to eat, we will take you to beyond the food.

Yuri, Dukhyun and Minchul from EasyCookAsia are from South Korea and used to play those games when they were young. They really enjoyed watching the Squid Game on Netflix, probably...

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22€ • Jetzt kaufen
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Lieferung erfolgt in ca. 4-5 Werktagen. Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschlands.

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