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Connect with your food through Drawing

Online Workshop
120 Minuten
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Connect with your food through Drawing

How often do you stop to think about the food you’re eating? Really take time to appreciate it? The colours, the smells, the flavours and textures. Think about where it came from, its journey to your table. The transformation from seed to fruit, all the parts that make up its whole.

The purpose of this workshop is to connect with our food through meditation, observation, drawing or painting and words.

We’ll spend time contemplating and appreciating a fruit or a vegetable. Relaxing and unwinding. Listening to music and creating art. Connecting.

Bring paper, pencils, crayons, felt pens or paints.

No artistic skills needed – the joy is in the playing, rather than creating a masterpiece.

How often do you stop to think about the food you’re eating? Really take time to appreciate it? The colours, the smells, the flavours and textures. Think about where it came from, ...

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Was du bekommst
  • An opportunity to relax and unwind

  • A deeper appreciation of the food you eat

  • Stress reduction techniques

  • A chance to play and create

Was du mit nach Hause nimmst
  • Two recipes to try at home

  • Nutritional information

  • Your own painting / drawing / piece of art

Was du sonst noch wissen solltest
  • We'll be drawing something different in each session - a fruit, a vegetable or plant

  • Details will be posted prior to the session, so you can bring your own fruit, vegetable or plant if you like to deepen your experience (not essential though, there will be plenty on camera for you to draw)

  • You really don't need to have any artistic ability at all, the fun is in making marks on the page. You don't need to share your artworks if you don't wish to

  • Sessions are online and interactive, so please have your video and audio turned on

  • All sessions are delivered in English

  • Please make sure you have your materials ready - some paper, pencils, pens, crayons or paints

Dein/e Gastgeber/in

Lisa is an educator, a plant based consultant & coach and an experienced facilitator of growth. Her aim is to shine a light on the wisdom of plants and the mind-body connection, inviting people to look closely at their relationships with food, their body and the natural world around them. She creates space for self-awareness and development based on openness, trust & sharing. She gently encourages people to step into their power through knowledge and nourishment.

Lisa has a passion for being creative – through art, words and in the kitchen. She invites people to slow down through play and having fun. By connecting with all our senses, ourselves, each other and the world around us, we are better able to manage the stresses of every day life.

Lisa is an educator, a plant based consultant & coach and an experienced facilitator of growth. Her aim is to shine a light on the wisdom of plants and the mind-body connection, in...

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