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Design your own fabric

Berlin, Schöneberg
180 Minuten
5.0 (22)
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Design your own fabric

This fabric design workshop enables you to understand how pattern repeats work and to put this knowledge directly into practice.

Hanna will guide you through the process of designing your own repeating motif using materials provided. You will also receive plenty of visual references in order to stimulate your creativity. It is up to you if you desire to paint by hand or digitally, as long as you enjoy the process.

At the end of the course, you will be provided with a promo code for a local textile printer where you can print your wonderful creations for free. Then, you can sew it into a cushion or lovely product of your choice.

This fabric design workshop enables you to understand how pattern repeats work and to put this knowledge directly into practice. Hanna will guide you through the process of desi...

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Was du bekommst
  • Understanding of fabric repeats (both manually and digitally)

  • All materials including art supplies to create your design

  • Drinks, snacks, music and a lovely creative atmosphere!

Was du mit nach Hause nimmst
  • You will receive a promo code for a local textile printer in order to print your wonderful creations for free. (The size of the printed textile is 70x45cm)

Was du sonst noch wissen solltest
  • If you wish to focus on creating your design digitally, please bring your laptop with Photoshop

  • Also if you have imagery that inspires you which you wish to incorporate into your design, please bring it along

Dein/e Gastgeber/in

Hanna is an English/Finnish textile designer, her passion for fabric began whilst working in the knit design industry and lead to her setting up her own surface print label Mirjamauno. Mirjamauno textiles are locally and ethically produced in the Neukölln district of Berlin.

Hanna is an English/Finnish textile designer, her passion for fabric began whilst working in the knit design industry and lead to her setting up her own surface print label Mirjama...

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5.0 (22)

**The workshop has been postponed due to covid restrictions. It should take place later in January**


Der Stoffdesign-Workshop bei Hanna ist für JEDEN geeignet, egal ob man sich talentiert fühlt oder nicht. Es braucht nur Freude am kreativen Arbeiten und am Ende hat jeder das Papiermuster für sein professionelles Stoffmuster. Der Kurs findet auf Englisch statt und man kann alles sehr gut verstehen. Fragen können jederzeit auch auf Deutsch gestellt werden. Hanna nimmt mit ihrer inspirierenden Art Angst und Bedenken und schafft eine unglaublich kreative Atmosphäre. Alle Materialien, ganz viele Anschauungsobjekte und das stufenweise Heranarbeiten an das Thema helfen, am Ende ein professionelles Stoffdesign zu entwickeln. Von talentfrei bis hochambitioniert wird hier jeder glücklich. Es war ein unglaublich schöner Nachmittag, der einen in die Welt der Stoffmuster entführt und klar macht, dass mehr Muse, Arbeit und Wissen dahintersteckt, als man vorher denkt! Eine absolute Empfehlung für jeden, der sich für Stoffe und Nähen interessiert!


war toll ! It was excatly what it was writing on the advertising. thank you


Ein wunderbarer Workshop! Hanna vermittelt einem die Grundlagen des Textildesigns auf verständliche Weise und unterstützt und ermutigt einen bei den eigenen Designs. Ein wunderbarer Nachmittag der rund um bereichernd war.


The workshop with Hanna was very interesting and fun!


It was a really fun workshop and I truly enjoyed my time there. Hanna was amazing! very friendly, very helpful and very insightful. The atmosphere she created during the workshop made me very comfortable and cozy, not to mention that the place was full of inspiring things that bring out the creativeness in you! Again, Hanna was great on following up and helping me with finalizing the design. I´m really excited to receive it soon and see how it tuned out! Thanks Hanna!


I loved the workshop with Hanna. She is very creative and experienced in the field of pattern design, and has a very warm personality Which made us feel very welcome. Studio Herzberg has a great atmosphere, just perfect to get creative. I especially loved the awesome book selection with all kinds of patterns to get inspired. I would highly recommend to make it out of bed on a Sunday afternoon, to check out this place.


ich würde es nur weiter empfehlen!


I had such a wonderful time at Hannas workshop. She created a great and cozy atmosphere in which one could feel comfortable and get creative. I have learned new things and enjoyed my time finding out more about patterns. Hanna knows a lot about pattern design and could pass on her knowledge very well. She is a kind, cheerful and encouraging teacher. In addition she even offered to help us beyond the workshop when it comes to the digital editing of the designs and she offered that we can still get in touch with her if there are general problems with further designs we do. I would highly recommend this workshop! Thank you so much for the good time, Hanna!


Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht!


Excellent workshop. I learned a great deal in a short period of time. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in design and textiles.

Der Workshop war wirklich klasse, was auch vor allem daran lag, dass Hanna eine tolle und sympathische Gastgeberin ist. Nach einer großen Inspiration durch ihre Arbeit sowie aus vielen visuellen Vorlagen werden die verschiedenen Arten von Pattern analysiert. Somit wird die Herangehensweise / Technik, die hinter Pattern-Design steckt entschlüsselt und verstanden. Danach wird individuell gestaltet, ob analog oder digital. Hanna ist auf jede*n Teilnehmer*in eingegangen und hat damit alle KnowHow-Level abgefangen. Die Atmosphäre war sehr entspannt mit Tee, Keksen und Musik.


Hanna made this workshop really fun, creative but unintimidating at the same time. We all felt really at home in her cosy shop/atelier: Studio Hertzberg, so it was easy to start playing around with designs and experimenting with shapes. I never realised how fun pattern design could be and how quickly you can go from knowing very little to producing your own repeating design. Im really excited to see how my fabric turns out! Hanna also went out of her way to help us edit our digital designs after the workshop to be ready to print. A great Sunday afternoon!


I had a fantastic time at Hanna's workshop on a Sunday afternoon located at the beautiful Studio Hertzberg, a perfect setting to help get the creative juices flowing! This workshop was perfect for beginners like myself with no previous experience creating a textile design. Hanna is very knowledgeable and encouraging. I chose to create a design by hand however Hanna also went out of her way to explain how to apply this process digitally, with take home instructions. Highly recommend this workshop for a fun relaxing afternoon learning a new skill. Very much looking forward to my printed fabric arriving in the mail. Thank you Hanna!


Eine tolle Atmosphäre.


Hanna ist sehr nett, sie erklärt alles sehr gut, ist während des Kurses sehr hilfreich und es herrscht eine entspannte und kreative Atmosphäre. Ich würde den Kurs sofort weiterempfehlen.


Ein wirklich wunderschönes, inspirierendes Erlebnis!! Ich war total begeistert, wie ohne Vorkenntnisse und ohne digitale Bearbeitung ein ziemlich cooles Design entstanden ist. Hanna hat den Workshop super sympathisch geleitet und alles gut erklärt. Wirklich empfehlenswert für alle Stoffliebhaber und jeden, der eine entspannte, kreative Auszeit haben möchte!!

Es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht und ich habe viel neues gelernt. Hab auf jeden ein neues Hobby entdeckt!

In diesem Workshop lehrt Hanna aus ihrer langjährigen Erfahrung als Textildesignerin und mit Beispielen, mit ihrem Charme und ihrer Leidenschaft für ihre Arbeit, wie Musterwiederholungen funktionieren. Sie schafft eine sehr gute und inspirierende Atmosphäre und man genießt eine wirklich kreative und handwerkliche Zeit. Der Workshop ist für alle gedacht...nicht nur für Menschen aus der Welt der Kunst und des Designs. Absolut empfehlenswert. Und wie schön ist es, mit einem eigenen Textildesign nach Hause zu gehen, das man später in ein echtes Produkt umsetzten kann.

This was a lovely and creative few hours, as well as really educational for anyone just entering the world of surface design! I'm excited and feel much more confident about continuing to design patterns on my own.


The Workshop was super much fun & relaxing! We were a small group, working analogue, understanding the principles of designing a pattern. Hanna is an excellent host as well. She is super nice and funny, explaining a lot and giving lots of information about being a pattern designer and working in the industry. I can absolutely recommend!


Hanna is great and very knowledgable. She broke things down in an easy and fun way, and I walked away feeling that I learnt a lot. I am excited for the opportunity to print my design, to use these skills I learnt again, and thankful to Hanna for being open to future questions!


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